Saturday, April 28, 2007

April 28-29th

Hello everyone,

We just completed a very full week: Book Reviews, happiness summaries, lecture project, research project! What's coming up?

Next week we will continue working a little on the happiness summaries.
As well, we will be starting a new unit which will lead into a debate and an argumentative writing.
Also at the end of the week we will be giving you a reading and listening mid-term evaluation(this evaluation does not count for marks but is important for both teachers and students since it will allow us to examine how you are doing on an individual level in these two receptive skills.

Your homework assignment for this weekend is:


Search for books and articles on your topic.
List the sources (on the worksheet Adrianne gave you asking for the title, author etc.) you have found up till now.
Adrianne and I would like to see where you are at in this search.
It is important for you to start surveying and scanning the books and articles you have in order to see if you have enough material or not...

We have not given you any other homework, so please take advantage of this and try to find most of your sources for your topic.

Have a good weekend. If you have any questions comment on my blog and I will answer by commenting on my comment section of the blog as well. If you want to write to me privately, you have my e-mail address.

See you all on Monday!


Saturday, April 21, 2007

Weekend of April 21-22

Hello dear students,

Finally the weather has changed...go out and enjoy it! BUT remember to do your assignments. Don't wait till Sunday evening, please.

Assignment No. 1: Short answer and essay questions on Gender Communication Unit.

Assignment No. 2: Prepare for oral presentations of Books(even if you are presenting on Tuesday since you will need to work on other assignments on Monday evening for Tuesday.

Assignment No. 3: Blog:Research Topic
Look up some general information on your research topic. Try using Wikepedia Encyclopedia. Summarize some of this information and discuss what you are thinking of doing for your research. Comment on your classmate's topics. Post your comments by Sunday at noon if possible to allow people to comment.
This assignment is important to do in order to take advantage of the library workshop you will be going to on Monday afternoon.

If you have any questions you can comment here or send me an e-mail.

See you Monday,


Saturday, April 14, 2007

April 14th, 2007

Good morning to all of you,

Just a reminder for the assignments over this weekend.

Before doing any other assignment, work on your novels.

1. Novels: Finish reading the last section and be ready to discuss the whole book.

2. Evolution Summary outline: Look over your outlines...revise if necessary.

3. Newspaper Articles: Read articles you chose, summarize on your blogs and react to your classmates blogs. (see Adrianne's blog for further instructions.

Have a great weekend.

See you all on Monday.


Friday, April 6, 2007

Easter long weekend

Hello students,

Hope you are enjoying the book you chose to is nice to be inside when the weather is so "miserable". I just want to remind you about some of your assignments for Tuesday.

1. the first section. Read and enjoy. Remember what we talked about in terms of vocabulary...try not to use the dictionary too much. Remember to write 7-10 questions so that you can have a good discussion about your book on Tuesday.

2. Pictures of skyscrapers (see Adrianne's blog).

3. Language Learning. Answer questions in complete sentences. Some questions may only require a sentence or two and some require a paragraph or two.

4. If you want to publish anything else on your blogs please do not hesitate. A blog is like a journal so go ahead.

5. Try to comment on other people's blogs (at least two other classmates..)

See you all on Tuesday morning at 9:00 A.M.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

First Assignment

Welcome to the world of A2 blogging! Blogging in A2 is a writing/response activity.

At this level, you will read articles of current events(newspapers and magazines), summarize and respond to the ideas in the articles. Other students will then respond to the blogs and you will respond to blogs of two other students.

We'll also be using blogs for other purposes such as reaction to a project you have been working on or to a movie you may have recently seen etc.

Blogging will be done on a weekly basis. So let's get started and have some fun.

To practice a little, try responding to my blog. show me that you know how to work on this blog. Press comments at the end of this posting and respond.