Tuesday, April 3, 2007

First Assignment

Welcome to the world of A2 blogging! Blogging in A2 is a writing/response activity.

At this level, you will read articles of current events(newspapers and magazines), summarize and respond to the ideas in the articles. Other students will then respond to the blogs and you will respond to blogs of two other students.

We'll also be using blogs for other purposes such as reaction to a project you have been working on or to a movie you may have recently seen etc.

Blogging will be done on a weekly basis. So let's get started and have some fun.

To practice a little, try responding to my blog. show me that you know how to work on this blog. Press comments at the end of this posting and respond.


alice said...

Hi! This is Alice! I know what to do now on our own blog!I'm sure we'll have a lot fun here!

Yang said...

Thank you very much. Now, I know how to do it. Your blog is nice^^

cathy said...

Hello,hello!This is cathy!My blog address is

Arti said...

Yesss, finally I got my own blog! Thank You.

Lilyrain said...

Hello! i am Sang Yun ...
Now I am learning how to use blogs.
it is complicated,but i am going to be proficient and have fun.

mistone said...

Hello, Lili. I am glad to have my own blog. I hope I can improve my English through this project, and have a fun!

Alexander :-) said...

This will be a very interesting new experience for me and I wish everyone in the class all the best during this semester.

Greetings Alexander :- )

Lania said...
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IVAN said...

Hi! This is Ivan! I know what to do now on our own blog! I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun here!!!

Lania said...

Here I am Alina!Happy to do it finally...

Jennifer said...

Hello! This is Jennifer! I have my own blog now. This is a very interesting experience. I hope everyone has fun in this project.

Jay from A2 !! said...

Hi lili, it's Jeremie .. I know that we don't know each other, but i belong to this unit, i swear !!! ahah
Anyway, thanks to Alina, i succeeded to create this blog even if it wasn't easy to do ! but now it's done, and i give you my adress, which is jay91.blogspot.com
Thanks and have a good evening !!